A. Neomar Evies, Ph.D

* University Teaching (Undergraduate): Facilitator of curricular units in the areas of: technology management, ICTs, applied computing, technology, administration, statistics, general management, Human Resources, Sports. Academic tutor and referee in different research works. Management of different eLearning tools.

* University teaching (Postgraduate): Facilitator of curricular units in the areas from: Management and ICTs. Tutor and referee in different research projects.

* Research: Accredited active researcher in the area of technology management with various finished research products. Research Field: Management Technology in business organizations. Speaker at different events and conferences National and international. Author of academic books and different articles scientific investigation.

* Management: Managerial positions and direction of work teams. Area coordinator technologies in different congresses, forums and scientific, academic and/or events sports at national and international level. Extensive experience designing and implementing technological projects, information systems, reengineering processes, projects feasible, model designs and organizational systems.

* Technology: Described below:

Stretching For Older Adults

stretching for older adults

We know about the physical problems that the elderly faces. But why wait for them to come instead of doing something to prevent them. Stretching for older adults is one of the overlooked activities among seniors that can do wonders for health. That’s why we bring you this well-detailed article where we lay down importance … Read more

¿Que Es Kombucha Y Como Se Hace?

que es kombucha y como se hace

Si has llegado hasta aquí es porque tienes alguna idea, has escuchado, o quieres aprender hacer este te milagroso te, el cual esta ganando notoriedad como un elixir milagroso para la salud en general. Pero primeramente, antes de hablarte sobre el origen de este te, sus beneficios para la salud y otros aspectos importantes, pasemos … Read more

Comidas Saludables Para Enfermos

comidas saludables para enfermos

No podemos comer cualquier cosa cuando estamos enfermos. Es indispensable tener una buena alimentación. Por tal motivo, hemos decido traerte algunas comidas saludables para enfermos. Estas comidas poseen los suficientes nutrientes y vitaminas para ayudar a tu organismo a recuperarse mas rápido. También, aprenderás que tipo de alimentos debes cocinar acorde a tu condición de … Read more

Sopa De Pollo Con Fideos

sopa de pollo con fideos

La sopa de pollo con fideos es una tradicional comida que ha muchos nos encanta. Es muy recomendada para los enfermos debido a sus nutrientes y vitaminas. Esta receta que te presentaremos a continuación es muy fácil de preparar. Cuando la hayas hecho y servido se convertirá en una de tus recetas favoritas. Sabemos que … Read more

Comidas Saludables Para Pacientes Con COVID-19

comidas saludables para pacientes con covid, comidas para enfermos con covid

Es sumamente muy necesario que los enfermos con el virus tengan una muy buena alimentación. La nutrición en este caso es una alta prioridad que no puede pasarse por alto. Es por tal motivo que hemos decidido exponer algunas de las varias comidas saludables para pacientes con COVID. Los alimentos de estas comidas están enfocados … Read more

Oriental Cabbage Salad

oriental cabbage salad

What’s better than to have low calorie meal for lunch or dinner? And ultra low calorie recipe. That’s why this time we bring you an extremely low meal: oriental cabbage salad. Fast and easy recipe There are many things I love about this recipe. First all of all, it’s easy and fast to prepare. So … Read more

Apple Walnut Chicken Salad

Apple Walnut Chicken Salad

The apple walnut chicken salad is the classical salad made with diced apples chopped celery walnut. Though it’s a little high in calories, it’s a low carb and fat meal. This only takes you some minutes to make. So If you don’t have much time to cook during week, this recipe comes in handy on … Read more

Low Carb Grilled Pork Chops

low carb grilled pork chops

Today we bring you this delicious low carb grilled pork chops. There’s no better occasion to cook pork chops when you plan a barbecue for neighbors and friends. Now, a word of advice, this recipe is high in calories (906). So if you’re counting calories to maintain your weight, you should regulate your calorie intake … Read more

Meatloaf Recipe

meatloaf recipe

With our meatloaf recipe we are going to prove that you can prepare meals that are healthy and delicious. This recipe is very low in calories and cholesterol. So if you worry about consuming too much fat or are just on a low-calorie diet, you’re good to go with this meatloaf. Meatloaf This is a … Read more