To know how to develop good mental health we need to understand first the basics that lead to a good mental health. The conditions required to stablish a balanced life.
Enhanced mental health
When you hear the term “emotional health or mental health”, what is the first thing that usually comes into your mind? According to researches, mental health normally includes social well-being pertaining to psychological and emotional standings.
Mental health affects the way people think, act and feel. In addition to this, mental health also has the ability to help you determine the effective ways of how to handle your stress, make choices and relate to other people.
Mental health is essential in each stage of your life, from childhood, adolescence and adulthood. For those people who are experiencing mental health issues and problems, there is a great chance that your behavior, mood and thinking will be affected.
There are different factors that usually contribute to your mental health issues and problems such as family history, life experiences that include abuse and trauma and biological factors that include brain chemistry and genes.
It is a fact that mental health issues and problems are very common however help and prevention is always available. People who are suffering from mental health issues and problems have a great chance to get better and recover completely.
For those individuals who are experiencing mental health issues and problems, it is very imperative that you are familiar and aware about the warning signs of having mental health issues and problems.
If you have positive and effective mental health, it will allow you to make meaningful contributions to your community, work productively, cope with stress and realize your full potential.
In addition to this, it is also important that you have an apparent and superior understanding about the effective and useful ways of how you can maintain your positive and effective mental health such as developing your coping skills, getting enough hours of sleep, helping others, getting physically fit and active, staying positive, connecting with other people and most importantly getting professional advice and help from experts.
How to improve your mental and emotional health
According to studies, individuals who are emotionally and mentally healthy have the ability to control their behavior and emotions. They also have the capability to handle life trials and challenges, recover from serious seatbacks and build strong and healthy relationships with others.
However, you need to bear in mind that if you want to maintain or build emotional health, mental health and physical health, effort, commitment, time and dedication is highly recommended.
It is true that enhancing your mental and emotional health is a rewarding experience that you will definitely love. Mental health can benefit all the salient aspects of your life such as adding enjoyment to your day to day activities, building resilience and most importantly boost your mood. This is the reason, that if you learn how to develop good mental health, you can notably improve your wellness.
For those people who are experiencing emotional health or mental health problems, it is very important that they are familiar and aware about how to get rid of it in just a short period of time.
Glimpse to emotional health or mental health
Emotional or mental health usually refers to your overall psychological being. It also includes your ability to manage your emotions and feelings, build relationships, develop the way you look and feel about yourself and most importantly how you can deal with extreme difficulties. Mental health is not just about the absence of mental health issues and problems.
Being emotionally and mentally healthy is more than being free of psychological issues, anxiety and depression. The absence of emotional and mental health commonly refers to the presence of excellent characteristics.
There are some people who don’t have negative emotions and feelings however they still need to do things that will make them feel good and positive to help them get a hold on their emotional and mental health. Individuals who are emotionally and mentally healthy have the following:
- High self esteem and self confidence.
- They have the ability to maintain and build fulfilling relationships.
- They have a balance between their play, work, activity, rest and a lot more.
- They have the flexibility to know and learn new things and at the same time they can easily adapt it to change.
- They have a great sense of purpose and meaning in their relationships and activities.
- They have the ability to easily and effectively deal with life challenges and stress and bounce back from adversity.
- They have the ability to have fun and laugh as well as they have zest for living.
- People who are emotionally and mentally healthy have a great sense of tranquility and contentment.
The positive characteristics of emotional and mental health will allow you to easily participate in all the latest happenings in your life by having strong relationships, meaningful activities and being productive every single day. The effective and positive characteristics of emotional and mental health will greatly help you to quickly cope with life stresses, trials and challenges.
Warning Signs of Having Emotional or Mental Health Problems
Not all people are familiar and aware about the warning signs of having emotional or mental health issues and problems. For those people who want to know and learn about the warning signs of having emotional and mental health issues and problems, just check this out:
- Inability to execute daily activities and tasks such as getting to school or work and taking care of your family and kids.
- Thinking of harming other people and yourself.
- Believing things or hearing voices that are not real.
- Having persistent memories and thoughts that you can’t easily get out of your mind.
- Experiencing mood swings that can cause major problems in your relationships.
- Fighting and yelling with friends and family.
- Feeling unusually scared, worried, upset, angry, forgetful and confused.
- Using drugs, drinking and smoking.
- Feeling hopeless and helpless.
- Having unexplained pains and aches.
- Feeling numb.
- Having no energy.
- Pulling away from your usual activities and people.
- Sleeping and eating too little or too much.
Mental Wellness and Health
According to studies, positive and good mental health allows you to:
- Make evocative contributions to your community
- Work productively
- Cope with pressure and stress in life
- Realize your full potential
Ways to develop mental health
- Developing your coping skills
- Get accurate hours of sleep
- Helping other people
- Getting physically fit and active
- Staying positive
- Connecting with other people
- Getting professional guidance, advice and help especially if your need it
It is a fact that emotional and mental health issues and problems are quite common in different parts of the world. According to researches, many American adults experience mental health problems.
In addition to this, young people also experience major depression and some Americans live with serious mental problem that includes depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Moreover, suicide is considered as the top notch cause of major death in Unites States of America.
Mental health strength
Being mentally and emotionally healthy does not mean that you are not going to experience bad times or emotional problems. Most people go through change, loss and disappointments. These are considered as normal parts of your life however they can still cause stress, anxiety and sadness. The only difference is that people who are emotionally and mentally healthy have the ability to bounce back from stress, trauma and adversity. This type of ability is known as resilience.
Individuals who are mentally and emotionally healthy have the helpful tools that are intended for coping with difficult scenarios in life and at the same time maintain and build a positive outlook on life. These people remain creative, flexible and focused during the bad times of their lives.
One of the best key factors of resilience is your ability to completely balance your emotions and stress. If you have the potential to recognize your feelings and emotions, you can be sure that you will find hard times and difficulties much easier to cope and deal with effectively and appropriately.
By doing this, you are assured that you can avoid getting stuck in a negative mood or suffering from anxiety and depression. Another important key factor is having an excellent support network.
If you have trusted people that you can turn to during bad times and hardships in life, you can easily find support and encouragement that will boost your resilience during tough times. Here, you will discover the role of resilience in emotional and mental health.
Physical Health connected to emotional and mental health
It is a fact that taking good care of yourself is considered to be a powerful way to get a hold on your emotional and mental health. Your body and mind are linked together and this is one of the reasons why when you develop your physical health, you will automatically experience greater emotional and mental well-being.
Regular exercise will not just strengthen your lungs and heart, it also has the potential to release endorphins within your body. Endorphins are powerful chemicals that are responsible for energizing the body as well as lifting the mood of people. Daily choices as well as the activities that you engage in can greatly affect the way you feel emotionally and physically.
Tips to maintain mental health
If you are a person who wants to easily get a hold on their emotional and mental health, it is very imperative that you are familiar and aware of some very effective tips. The following are some tips that will make getting a hold on your mental health much easier.
Have enough rest
In order to maintain good emotional and mental health, the first thing that you need to do is to take good care of yourself, especially your body.
Having enough rest and getting adequate hours of sleep is highly recommended, especially with teenagers. Individuals need 7- 8 hours of sleep every night to function optimally.
If you have enough hours of sleep, you can be sure that you are one step closer to becoming emotionally and mentally healthy.
Learn good nutrition
You need to learn how to have a well- balanced diet. A lot of people are unaware of how large of a role nutrition actually plays in our moods and our mental health. It may be difficult for you to follow this diet in the beginning but it will surely pay off in the long run.
Exercise to get rid of stress
It is a fact that regular exercise has the ability to help you to easily get rid of stress and at the same time it can lift up your mood. According to studies, exercise is considered to be a powerful antidote for depression, anxiety and stress. You can look for simple ways that you can add exercise into your daily activities such as taking the stairs of your house instead of using the elevator or you can also go on short walks. If you want to experience the amazing benefits of being emotionally and mentally healthy, 30 minutes of daily exercise can be a great help.
Get a small dose of sunlight each day
Sunlight has the ability to lift your mood. The best thing that you can do is to get a small dose of sunlight each day for about 10-15 minutes. This can also be done while you are socializing, gardening and exercising.
Limit your Alcohol intake
Apart from drinking alcohol, it is also important to avoid using drugs and cigarettes. These are well known stimulants that have the ability to let your feel good for a short period of time, however they have long term negative effects, especially for your emotional health and mood.
Being resilient does not cost anything and anyone can master it, especially with the presence of practice. Most of all, being resilient has the ability to enhance every aspect of your life.
Strengthen mental health
For those individuals who want to improve, strengthen and maintain their emotional and mental health, the first thing that they can do is to take good care of their selves. It is very essential to pay attention to your feelings and needs.
Don’t let negative emotions and stress build up in your system since it can harm your overall health. You have to balance the things that you love to do and your daily activities and responsibilities. If you take good care of yourself, you can be sure that you are a hundred percent prepared and ready to deal with trials and challenges that might come into your life.
aking good care of yourself usually includes pursuing the activities that release endorphins within your body. According to researchers, endorphins are naturally released within your body when you do the following:
Positively impact others
It is a fact that being valued for all the things that you do and being useful to other people can easily build self-confidence and self-esteem. If you really want to build your self- confidence and self-esteem, do certain things that can greatly impact other people in a nice and meaningful way.
Practice the importance of self-discipline
It is true that self control can lead to a sense of hopefulness and at the same time it can greatly help you to easily overcome your negative thoughts, helplessness and despair. By practicing self-discipline, you can be sure that you can easily become emotionally and mentally healthy.
Enjoy the wondrous beauty of art and nature
There are some studies that show that by simply walking in your garden, you can reduce your stress and lower down the level of your blood pressure. Apart from this, sitting on a beach, viewing architecture, hiking and strolling through art galleries and parks can also lower your blood pressure and reduce stress.
Manage your level of stress
According to researchers, stress takes a heavy toll on people’s emotional and mental health. This is one of the reasons why you need to manage and control your stress. It is a fact that not all stressors can be easily prevented however strategies for stress management will greatly help you to bring things into balance.
Limit your unhealthy emotional and mental habits
Too much worrying is considered as one of the well known unhealthy emotional and mental habits of most people in the present time. It is very important to avoid becoming too absorbed by your repetitive mental habits. Moreover, negative thoughts can suck up your time and drain your energy. It can also trigger your feelings of depression, fear and anxiety.
Tips for Taking Good Care of yourself
In order to become emotionally and mentally healthy, it is very significant that you have an apparent and better understanding about the helpful and effective strategies for taking good care of yourself. Check this out:
Appeal on your senses
Stay energized and calm by simply appealing on your five senses such as taste, smell, touch, sound and sight. You can listen to your favorite music to easily lift up your mood. You can also place a bounce of flowers on your patio where you can smell and see them. You can also massage your feet and hands or you can also sip your favorite warm drink.
Engage in creative and meaningful work
You can execute things that will greatly challenge your superior creativity. By doing this, you can be sure that you feel more productive every single day. You can engage yourself in gardening, playing an instrument, writing, drawing or even building your own workshop. By doing this, you can completely explore your strengths and weaknesses.
Get a pet
It is a fact that pets are a big responsibility however caring for a pet will make you feel loved and needed. Your pet can also serve as your buddy. You will also need to take your pet for a walk and this will cause you to exercise and meet new people.
Make your leisure time a priority
If you are doing things for no reason, it simply means that you are happy and contented while doing them. Spend your leisure time with exciting and memorable activities such as a walk on the beach, reading amazing books, chatting with your friends, listening to your favorite music and watching a funny movie. It is true that playing is considered to be a mental and emotional health necessity.
Make time for your appreciation and contemplation
The first thing that you can do is to think of all the wondrous things that you are grateful for. You can pray, meditate, enjoy watching the beautiful sunset or spend time paying attention to what is beautiful, positive and good as you continue the rest of the day.
Everyone is different and not all things will be beneficial to all people. There are some individuals who prefer to relax while some want to have more activities to enjoy and explore.

David is a writer and graduate professor. He writes for different websites. With 7+ years of experience in writing and education, David has combined his expertise in teaching with his passion for physical and mental wellness. He researches and writes to bring you valuable information about weight loss, nutrition, fitness, community, society and more.